Eau Claire, WI + Rockford, IL lifestyle photography.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

"vacation at daddy's house."

Many of you that know me are aware of the fact the my husband now lives 4 hours away.  Monday through Friday my days are spent trying to keep up with three kids and a budding photography business in addition to my full time sign business gig.  Things are crazy.  Good thing I am a master task juggler.  Most of the time.  This past weekend, the kids and I went up to visit him for once instead of him always driving here.  Saturday we trekked up to MOA and awesomeness ensued.  Proof is in the photos.


the biggest snapping turtle evah.

Sammo in awe of the biggest snapping turtle evah.

The tunnels in the underground aquarium were filled with Stephen yelling "MOM, TAKE A PICTURE OF THAAAAAAAAAAT!"  And so I did.

After we did the aquarium thang, we hit the amusement park so Stephen and Scott could ride unlimited rides while I shopped with the girls. 


 My little ghost hunter.

Uncle Joe, what would a blogpost of photos with my kids be without Samantha's emo toddler routine?  I wonder who she gets her moodiness from.  Hmmmmm....


Miss V has that emo gene too apparently.

Stephen looooooooved the bumper cars.  Who knew a 5 year old would love crashing things.


and the hubster took Stephen on this.  I was in shock.  Stephen ended up looooooooooving it though and well, that's pretty much all that matters.



Unknown said...

I get very emotional everytime I see pictres of the kids. You do an excellent job of making me cry and miss everyone more.

kate bentley said...

we miss you too, babe. alot.

Anna said...

Ohhhh. How can I follow up smooshy marital love with a comment from ME? You.need.to.move.to.EC.NOW!!!

Onna said...

FUN FUN times! :)
Love these pics, every last one!